Brian Thompson

Washington State Representative Candidate
Legislative District 21 - Position 1


Brian's Platform


Your representative should stand for you and protect freedoms and liberties as endowed by our Creator and established in our constitutions. As your Representative, Brian will.

Our state constitution begins by committing to protect & maintain individual rights:
"All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights."

Brian will uphold those commitments.

Brian advocates professionally, promoting public welfare through application of science and engineering principles to protect people and their environment. He assisted Senator Marko Liias (D) in authoring amendments to new legislation known as the Greg “Gibby” Gibson Fire Safety Act, and successfully petitioned State Building Code Council to reconsider amendments to state regulations. Brian has a proven track record.

Brian has a passion for our local businesses and families. He is committed to supporting economic recovery of employers and workers. He will stand against increased property taxes, protecting both homeowners and renters. Brian will fight for freedom and safety in our communities. Brian cares about you.

The Position 1 incumbent sits on the Civil Rights & Judiciary committee, yet has not stood to protect our civil rights.

The incumbent voted to expand sex education to include kindergarten. He claims there is nothing offensive in the text of the legislation. Fact: Of about 10,000 respondents to a Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) survey, 58% said "No" to mandatory comprehensive sex education (CSE). Even if a child does not participate in the scheduled CSE class time, they would still certainly be immersed in the culture created by the content, and exposed to questions or comments made by their classmates at other times.

The incumbent voted to allow facial recognition technology into our everyday lives. He claims it is here and we should regulate it. Fact: Real concerns exist over how the collected data is stored and protected. One way to regulate it would be to just say No - that's what California did! And after investigation by Canadian privacy protection authorities, a US-based software company ceased offering it's facial recognition services in Canada altogether on July 6, 2020.

Last year, the incumbent voted to remove the personal and philosophical objection for the measles vaccine. He claims it is a health concern evidenced by a small measles outbreak involving a private school of generally unvaccinated children in Clark County. Fact: Testimony given in Olympia by experts contradicted that position. Measles outbreaks have occurred among vaccinated populations. The measles vaccine is not available individually, so the legislation effectively stripped the exemption from the mumps and rubella vaccines as well. There is a body of evidence that the MMR as a 3-part injection is more hazardous than if those 3 doses were taken individually. Vaccine manufactures have a monopoly on their product and immunity from liability. The Supreme Court has deemed immunizations a medical procedure which is "unavoidably unsafe", meaning there is an inherent level of risk. The MMR recipe had changed over the years, and so has health and sanitation. Accordingly, the risk of death or debilitating injury from the MMR vaccine has increased, and the lethality of measles is diminished.

The Governor has recently issued repeated proclamations which obstruct and interfere with our freedoms, liberties, and civil rights. The incumbent has supported these sweeping measures.

The incumbent has been given the opportunity to stand for your civil rights and has failed.

Brian will stand for you!

We are all essential. Brian will push for reasonable solutions that both honor our individual freedoms and allow businesses and schools to operate safely.

The incumbent plans to raise taxes to overcome the deficit resulting from the Governor's actions. Brian plans to eliminate redundancy and find efficiencies to reduce government spending with no new or increased taxes.

The incumbent supports legislation to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Brian opposes legislation which would limit an individual's right to self defense or home protection.

The images below further illustrate Brian's priorities. Right-click each image below and choose "Open link in new tab" for additional insight on Brian's positions:

From Brian

I live and work in our 21st Legislative District. I care about families, freedoms, and justice.

My wife, Tracy, and I are native Washingtonians. I was raised in a blue collar home, my father was a union machinist. Tracy and I have lived in Legislative District 21 for 14 years and raise our four school-age children here. We enjoy being active in the community. We shop at the Farmers' Market and support local stores and restaurants. Our family is active in a local dance studio. I have served as a coach during my kids' hockey sessions and volunteered during open ice events to introduce other children to the sport. We cheer at Pacific Little League games in Mukilteo, Meadowdale, and Lynnwood, and celebrate together after performances at the Edmonds Center for the Arts. I am privileged to serve as a chaperone on church youth events.

My history reveals my heart toward public service, nurtured since my youth. While in high school and continuing for a couple years after college, I volunteered with the Bainbridge Island Fire Department as a Firefighter/EMT. I attended Marquette University and earned a degree in civil/environmental engineering with an emphasis in urban planning. My undergraduate liberal arts studies included Introduction to Law and Criminology. After a couple years working in civil engineering by day and as a firefighter by night, as newlyweds, Tracy and I headed back east to one of just two schools in the United States which offered a master's degree in Fire Protection Engineering.

Following graduation, I spent three years with a corporation in their San Francisco office, having enjoyed multiple internships at their corporate headquarters in Chicago. I am a practicing professional engineer; registered throughout the West from Alaska to Hawaii. I was an award recipient by Consulting-Specifying Engineer, who annually recognizes 40 engineers across the country under the age of 40 based on the individual's "commitment to excellence in their academic, professional, personal, and community involvement." Currently, I own and operate a small fire protection engineering consultancy that Tracy and I started in Edmonds in 2006, operated from our home in Lynnwood for a time, and is now located in Mukilteo. The integrity, tenacity, and dedication I have honed as a small business owner in the Puget Sound are characteristics I will bring with me to Olympia as your State Representative.

Local Politics
As a resident of City of Edmonds, I have attended City Council meetings and stood at the podium to offer public comment on the record. When it came to adopting FCC rules for allowance of 5G antennae sites, the City Attorney gave instruction to the Council as to the allowable limits of their rulemaking prior to acceptance of public comment. In response to his statements, I adapted my presentation in that moment to more effectively communicate my concerns in a manner such that they would be actionable by the Council. The language ultimately adopted by the Council went beyond that offered by City Departments and incorporated my comments. My effective listening skills and ability to speak toward mutually acceptable language support my ability to work successfully with all Parties in Olympia as your Representative in Position 1 from Legislative District 21.

State Politics
I am currently serving an appointment with WA Department of Labor and Industries (LNI) as a member of the Elevator Safety Advisory Committee. I represent Registered Architects and Professional Engineers throughout Washington State. I have twice been appointed by our State Building Code Council to serve as a member of Technical Advisory Groups in the triennial adoption of the State Building and Fire Codes. In the most recent adoption cycle, I stood up as an individual for public safety and petitioned the Council for reconsideration of a particular proposed code amendment. I appeared at multiple public hearings in Olympia where I provided oral public testimony in addition to persuasive written testimony. My stated position received the written support of fire department officials in two area jurisdictions. Ultimately, my petition was granted, preserving the level of fire and life safety established by our codes.

In the previous legislative session, I helped Senator Marko Liias (D) amend the text of a bill that had not been successful in prior years. Following my contributions, the Greg "Gibby" Gibson Fire Safety Act was passed in 2019. As your Representative, I will continue to work with all Parties toward the best outcome.

Global Impact
An effective leader looks also to the world beyond. In our house, we sponsor a child in Indonesia. In my work, I have traveled to present a paper on the topic of performance-based fire and life safety design before an international audience. I was also selected to speak on the topic of smoke control at the 2008 annual World Fire Safety Conference and Exposition hosted by the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association). Currently, I serve on the SFPE (Society of Fire Protection Engineers) Public Policy Task Group with Committee on Outreach and Advocacy members from around the globe.

My breadth and depth of experience has uniquely qualified me to be your State Representative. Through my business, I have negotiated contracts on multi-million dollar public and private sector projects. My work with diverse individuals has taught me how to navigate differences of opinion in order to achieve a common goal. The combination of my education, experience, and personality reinforce my qualifications as the best choice for Legislative District 21 - State Representative, Position 1.

Brian Thompson


Connect With Me

I would be honored to receive your vote and serve you as State Representative in Position 1 of Legislative District 21. If you would like to reach me or are interested in supporting my efforts to restore and preserve families, freedoms, and justice, I welcome your call.

Brian Thompson (R)

Click icon above to e-mail Brian

Pastor Joe
Family Policy Institute of Washington